The GQP Loves their Scammers

First, it was Nixon.

He got caught at the Watergate Hotel.

Then there was Ronnie Raygun. He never got caught because he wasn’t bright enough to answer questions. He just babbled the lies he was fed. They were lies all the same. We still have to live with them, especially the “Supply-Side Economics” that his wealthy backers made up.

The Bush pair was less flamboyant but no more truthful. Ran the economy into a ditch, then started a war to cover for it. Typical autocratic politics.

Then there was the orange menace. The guy was in a lying class all by himself, or so we thought. Literally thousands of lies, and never once cared that they were lies or that everyone knew they were lies. His specialty was brass balls lying. The truth wasn’t relevant to his narcissism.

Now we have Santos. He is trying to out-lie the orangutan. For a fast start, he made up his entire resume. The orangutan had enough reality in his resume that we knew it wasn’t entirely lies – America had an idea of who he was.

Not so with Santos. So far, nobody has claimed that anything on his resume had anything to do with reality. He even lies about his name. Look up his fellow unknowns “Anthony Devolder” and “Kitara Ravache” for a giggle. His resume was a complete and total fabrication. And this guy is the future of the GQP – just ask them.

I find it absolutely hilarious that he was a drag queen and likely gay as well. He is now in Congress as a member of the “I HATE LBGTQ EVERYTHING” party, which is just the icing on this particular cake. Even if he never was a drag queen or isn’t gay, who will believe him when he says it? Americans learned the story of the boy who cried wolf early. It is WAY too late for that leopard to change its spots.

The only good thing about it is that the GQP truly deserves this guy. The fact that they elect bald-faced liars just shows how genuinely un-American they are. Perhaps it is time to eliminate the menace within.

This is likely to be my last post on this blog. I am moving over to, so please do follow me there.

Author: Dave

Old engineers do die, but we break a lot of stuff on the way...